Welcome to the gmusicbrowser wiki. The wiki is very young, so there's only a few pages. The few interesting pages are : * [[plans|plans for future versions]] * [[customization:songtree|SongTree customization documentation]] * [[customization:themes|documentation for using gtk themes with gmb]] * [[customization:skins|documentation for the experimental skin system of gmb]] * [[install:mozembed|installation instructions for Mozembed]] * [[third_party_apps:xchat|guide to use gmusicbrowser with xchat]] * [[third_party_apps:emesene|emesene plugin for gmusicbrowser]] * [[dbus_api|description of the DBus API]] * [[guide:git|mini-guide for tracking gmb development with git]] Don't forget to consult the [[http://gmusicbrowser.org/faq.html|FAQ]] Translations in french of some of these pages was made by astier [[translations:fr|here]] If you want to edit this wiki, just ask me, I've disabled registration for now due to the uninterrupted flow of spam :(.